The Al Aqsa Inferno

Giving the lie to ‘Israel’s’ initial collaboration in the Polio vaccination campaign, where self-interest and PR were its only concerns, the IOF targeted the tent encampment next to Al Aqsa martyrs hospital on the day the second round of vaccine was being given to children in another part of the hospital. Several missiles, apparently containing… Continue reading The Al Aqsa Inferno

Rallying for the Resistance, October 6th Melbourne


Below is an article I wrote and submitted for publication on P&I, which is now a little passe’ – given the rate of changes taking place, along with the festival of hate over October 7th that made support for Hezbollah or Hamas a crime against humanity. I just publish it now for the record, as… Continue reading Rallying for the Resistance, October 6th Melbourne

The Paralysing of Humanity in Gaza

Michael Leunig on Iraqi victim of 'Shock and Awe'

When it was first announced that there would be a vaccination campaign against polio in the Gaza strip, I could only think of Michael Leunig’s poignant cartoon, lampooning Australia’s heartless PM John Howard for his collaboration with the US in the murder of Iraqi children in 2003. He was reacting to one case in particular… Continue reading The Paralysing of Humanity in Gaza

The Toxicity of Zionism..


In the recent meeting between President Netanyahu of Israel and President Biden of America, both men were keen to celebrate their “Zionism”, and unfaltering support for the “State of Israel”. This may be no great surprise, given Netanyahu had just received overwhelming support from Congress for his progress on ridding Palestine of its non-Zionist indigenous… Continue reading The Toxicity of Zionism..

Going Nuclear.


Current extreme tensions between the Lebanese Resistance and ‘Israel’ have the potential to lead to a violent explosion across all of West Asia. As Israel increasingly comes to realise it cannot prevail in this war, and may have to face the consequences of its extraordinary crimes, its incentive to ‘go nuclear’ is considerable, despite the… Continue reading Going Nuclear.

Israel’s Incendiary Lies


The ability of Israeli leaders to tell lies is now legendary and pervasive – one could say ‘Israel’ is a country built on lies, and one whose status can only be maintained by covering those lies with more lies. In case some would say this is just words, and truth is relative, consider the simplest… Continue reading Israel’s Incendiary Lies

Collateral Genocide


Some of the first images to appear following the Al Qassem brigades’ October 7th invasion of ‘Israel’ showed dozens of destroyed vehicles around the site of the Nova Sukkot festival, without any explanation of why they were crashed and abandoned or who was in them. Later these cars were collected together as seen above in… Continue reading Collateral Genocide

A Drop in the Ocean

Air Drop for Gaza

Following Israel’s “Leap year massacre”, when tanks and troops opened fire on thousands waiting for a food aid convoy for Northern Gaza, the stage was set for more ‘Air Drops’ onto the strip, and into the sea. As I suggested in my previous article, ‘On Gaza Beach’, this joint operation by the US and its… Continue reading A Drop in the Ocean

On Gaza Beach


On the very day when Israel was ordered by the ICJ to submit a report on the measures it had taken to avoid acts of genocide since the court’s ruling on January 26th, Israeli tanks and soldiers opened fire on crowds gathered on Gaza’s ‘corniche’ – Al Rashid street – close to the heavily damaged… Continue reading On Gaza Beach

Time to Choose a Side


Never have the words of South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu been more appropriate: “To remain neutral in a situation of injustice is to choose the side of the oppressor”. Following the ICJ’s unanimous decision to accept South Africa’s case that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza, those who support international law and human rights… Continue reading Time to Choose a Side