Too late to stop the war; not too late to lay the blame..


There is a danger that as the war against the Zionist occupation of Palestine spirals out of control, we will lose sight of why and how it started. In the heat of battle it may seem trivial to ask ‘who started this’ rather than focus on how to stop it. Some of course will say… Continue reading Too late to stop the war; not too late to lay the blame..

Creating the Pretext for War; a False Flag in the Golan.

MAJDAL SHAMS, morning after the strike

When Israel’s military spokesman Daniel Haggari appeared just after a rocket hit the sports-ground in Majdal Shams on the 27th of July, his outrage over the killing of innocent children was hard to take. As many observers commented, he had shown no such outrage or even regret over Israel’s killing of 21,000 children in Gaza.… Continue reading Creating the Pretext for War; a False Flag in the Golan.

Going Nuclear.


Current extreme tensions between the Lebanese Resistance and ‘Israel’ have the potential to lead to a violent explosion across all of West Asia. As Israel increasingly comes to realise it cannot prevail in this war, and may have to face the consequences of its extraordinary crimes, its incentive to ‘go nuclear’ is considerable, despite the… Continue reading Going Nuclear.