In my previous article on the rules for kidnappers and hostages I didn't draw attention to one of the highest profile cases of 'kidnapping', and the price paid by Israel to retrieve their hostage. I wrote about this in some detail in the now kidnapped American Herald Tribune, details of which we may need reminding - or informing for those unfamiliar with the unvarnished truth. While that truth - as they like to say - 'could not be independently verified', events this week have essentially confirmed my previous presumptions on the guilt of the victim, Kylie Moore Gilbert. Back then, in late 2020 when her story suddenly appeared at a time of heightened tensions with Tehran, I wrote two articles - "Israel's Hostage Diplomacy", and "Lying for Israel", which can still be read on the web archive. The leading illustrations are missing in the archive, so I have reproduced the beguiling portrait of Ms Moore Gilbert in front of the Dome of the Rock shown above. In my examination of the story and a number of informative sources, particularly Jewish and Iranian ones who didn't attempt to disguise their prejudices, I concluded that KMG was indeed acting as an agent for Israel, and likely in making useful contacts in Iran the Zionist regime could use. In retrospect it appeared no coincidence that the complex plot to assassinate Nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was executed only days after she was out of the country. The hostage exchange that saw her released was also oddly complex, and would certainly have been cancelled had it not been effected before the Mossad hit-job. Who knows what the Australian press would have said about Iran in that case - though they had no knowledge even that Moore-Gilbert was detained by Iran for a year and a half, when difficulties in the Persian Gulf forced foreign minister Marise Payne to reveal the Australian woman's jailing - on espionage charges. As it was, the idea that an Australian could be guilty of such a thing, leave alone of spying for Israel, was called a "libelous accusation from an odious theocracy". As I wrote in reaction to this conceit:
“I don’t like to be picky, but wouldn’t the ethno-religious “state” of Israel, whose borders are defined by violence over the people whose land it occupies, rate as quite “odious”? A state which regularly and consistently defies both international law and civilised conduct by launching unprovoked attacks on its neighbours, and supporting terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, Iran and numerous other countries? A state which uses its network of foreign affiliates to corrupt and destroy democratic governments who dare to fight for the rights of Palestinians?”
That was three years ago, and reminds us that little has changed, except in the intensity and mendacity of Israel's propaganda, in the pervasive acceptance of its lies and in total impunity for its many egregious war crimes. This is well illustrated right now, over 60 days from the start of Israel's extraordinary genocidal campaign against the 2.3 Million prisoners in its Gaza concentration camp. Soon after re-launching its bombing and shelling routine, killing nearly 1000 people in the first two days, there appeared a new propaganda offensive against those most upset by the sight of dead and dying children, and whose voices might interfere with Israel's plans - the 'caring women' living comfortable lives in our society. Quite suddenly 'stories' appeared right across Western media, in print and electronic form, alleging the 'discovery' of atrocities committed against "Israeli women" by the "Hamas terrorists" during their brief spell of freedom following the prison break-out of October 7th. In Australia these stories quoted from Kylie Moore Gilbert, who also joined with around 500 Jewish women for a vigil in Melbourne, where she lives. Moore Gilbert has made a name for herself, and a niche in speaking out and lobbying for the human rights of selected women: "Iranian and Israeli women victims of sexual violence have been largely abandoned by their sisters here in the West because their suffering, for some reason, does not fit with the dominant or fashionable narrative about Middle Eastern women," Dr Moore-Gilbert said. What mightn't be immediately apparent to the casual reader is that the Israeli women are not victims of Israeli or Jewish men, while the Iranian women KMG refers to are hostile to the Iranian government and friendly to Israel. Oddly enough, Kylie Moore-Gilbert herself appeared to be a victim of both, writing of her abuse while in Tehran's Evin prison but also cuckolded by the Israeli man she married before she was imprisoned there. That is the story at least - though it may be that her marriage was one of convenience, allowing her to take Israeli citizenship. Given he was with Shin Bet, this may not be all that she got from the alliance. The story though - of Hamas militants' abuse of women in the kibbutzes, before they were obliterated by Israeli shelling and missiles, is completely fabricated - or at least there is no evidence whatsoever that any of the alleged rapes and abuses took place. Considering that the earlier claims - of burnt children and beheaded babies - were already shown to be mere rumours without foundation - one might think that the story-tellers would have found something to back up their new narrative. Ali Abunimah has done a critical analysis that clearly shows this new story has even less credibility than the last. So the fact that this story 'got up' and in fact was overwhelmingly effective - to the degree that it completely silenced the targeted group of women - is credit to the sophistication of the Zionist propaganda machine. It exploited the clever tactic of shaming the same groups of feminists and 'Me Too' activists who were already involved in protesting for women's rights and against domestic violence, accusing them of 'staying silent in the face of Hamas brutality', and claiming this was because of 'anti-Jewish' prejudice. One of the loudest voices at the Melbourne protest was Keren Zelwer, a 'proud Zionist feminist' - which in this context evidently means a callous and racist Jewish Nationalist who takes pleasure in watching her 'most moral army' sinking to the bottom of the stinking pile of women and children's bodies in Gaza. Of course these screeching hyenas of the exceptional Jewish diaspora don't - one hopes - recognise the crucial role they are playing in legitimising and facilitating the worst and most inhuman atrocities in recent memory; they are at best 'useful idiots'. But one can certainly argue that their powerful promotion of a lethal false narrative on behalf of the Zionist project is 'culpable ignorance' - given the extreme visibility of the crimes being committed in Gaza against the most helpless and innocent of people in the whole region. The armed militia of the odious theocracy they are supporting is nicely presented by Jackson Hinkle in a TwitterX post today, showing the latest war crime committed by the Occupation forces in Gaza, as below:

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