White Helmets assisting Jaish al Islam child abuse in Douma Hospital, April 7th 2018
Following the frankly unbelievable events of last week, that somehow allowed the 'peaceful' removal of Syria's democratically elected President to be replaced with an unelected and unchosen mob of Salafist terrorists, Western media reporters who never set foot in Damascus for ten years were ready to swarm over the corpse of secular and socialist Syria like blowflies on rotting meat. They came armed with a catalogue of prejudices and grievances based on lies they and their governments had concocted in the interests of the Empire and against the interests of the Resistance.
The BBC sent several veteran reporters with trustworthy ideological stance, including Jeremy Bowen and Yogita Limaye. While Bowen's reports, from the 10th and 11th of December, were highly significant, it is Limaye's report on her visit to Douma that I want to highlight first, including the framing it was given by SBS News, who screened it before the BBC.
The video of her report is below, as introduced by SBS presenter Janice Petersen, whose specific framing is of special significance - claiming that what happened in April 2018 was a SARIN attack in the suburb of Ghouta. This is wrong on both counts; seriously misleading and an unforgivable mistake, given the highly political and controversial nature of the event. It cannot be excused as an error of confusion - with what happened in August 2013 in Damascus - which was allegedly a Sarin attack in Ghouta. While Ghouta - or Eastern Ghouta - may be said to include the outer satellite city, Douma is about 20 kilometres from Damascus old city. It was captured by the extremist jihadists of Jaish al Islam around 2012, following a murderous rampage and the taking of thousands of 'hostages' - government employees of the Adra industrial town nearby.
Yogita Limaye reports from Douma, December 10th 2024, SBS presents.
I described the circumstances of what happened in Douma, and the lengthy complaint submitted to SBS for its misrepresentation of the event, in previous articles. The exact circumstances and credibility of Western claims about the use of Chlorine gas to kill civilians in apartment blocks a few hundred metres from Douma Hospital have been thoroughly debunked in numerous investigations, including those of OPCW inspectors themselves. Most revealing of all was a news report from Russia's Syria correspondent, who was there on the scene the following day; I detail his report below.
One might have thought that all this was conveniently forgotten, as reminding us of what was alleged could open it up again to investigation that might expose those behind the false flag operation. This is even more the case thanks to the involvement of the White Helmets, whose logo was clearly visible on a sleeve of one of the child abusers pictured above. (as I demonstrated, this child was perfectly healthy, as someone suffering from Chlorine or Sarin exposure cannot scream blue murder)
Douma was an easy home to the Salafist insurgents, as its population is strongly religious - Wahabist by another name. Women there generally wear the black chador with only eyes showing, in Saudi style. Looking at the steel-reinforced tunnel system built beneath the hospital so that fighters could travel safely between suburbs, it appears likely that Saudi help was also forthcoming. Many allege that the Saudis were involved in the Sarin attack in Ghouta in 2013 in which the Douma 'rebels' were closely involved.
The BBC's report is mostly self-explanatory, and self incriminating, but a couple of points can be added. First that there is no actual evidence of any government chlorine attacks as stated by Limaye, and Sarin attacks were not possible by 2018 as Syria's stocks were destroyed in early 2014 following the Ghouta event. The idea that "Assad targeted his own people" is slanderous rubbish, and now that the most popular and loved President has been driven out of the country, is deeply offensive to very many Syrians who he strove to protect from the foreign take-over that has just happened.
But there is another twist in Limaye's report, even though it is likely based on mistaken beliefs of a Douma resident. The man she interviews who says he lost relatives to some gas believes this to be true, and his relatives appeared to have suffered from some toxic poison before being dumped in the stairwell of the apartment block near to where the militants placed the gas cylinders. However, when the OPCW finally arrived to investigate what happened, they were seriously hampered by the absence of bodies, which the jihadists had taken away to an unknown location. The idea that the government hid the bodies and would execute anyone who tried to dig them up is irrational and intentionally misleading.
The street in which Limaye talks to the locals is just round the corner from Douma Hospital, on the right in the leading picture above, and seen in the one below from the car as we drove round the monument. The openings visible in the base of the monument provided access to the tunnel system that emerged beneath the hospital, enabling fighters to escape Syrian army attacks. The hospital was a very imposing building in 2018, yet has appeared invisible to Western media and investigators most of the time, with its location even missing on Google maps. Some of the earth excavated from the tunnels was piled in a berm around the hospital base, and while the upper floors of the building had all been shelled, the lower floor remained an operational hospital serving the local community.
Apartment blocks seen from Shahada Sq monument May 15 2018
I presented critical evidence about what really happened in Douma - in the hospital where children were 'treated' for chlorine gas poisoning by hosing them down with water and giving them Ventolin - in the second part of an article written in June 2022. The videos our media passed on without comment - or with comment that amplified the falsehoods in this case - came from the 'Douma Media Centre', which was Jaish al Islam's propaganda channel. And the video I posted in that article came from the Turkish Anadolu Agency - something that suddenly now seems significant.
This video, as I explained there, was the one that remained on the cutting room floor, as it revealed both the true nature of the men who invaded the hospital ward - from the tunnels beneath - and showed that the children were not actually sick before their 'treatment'. I investigated the videos and the circumstances of the false flag attack in great detail, and submitted complaints to SBS news over their false and misleading presentation. These articles and complaints hit a dead end or denial, as did the researches and exposures submitted by a number of other analysts - the 'Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media' in particular fought for the truth with the OPCW.
In an earlier article on this website, published in April 2022, I provided more details on the situation in Douma while comparing the Russian campaign to liberate Syria from its terrorist armies to that they were then waging in Mariupol. The general perspective in that article has now become more relevant than ever, as all the lies told about the foreign-backed war on Syria are being retold, only with the added element of vengeance and retribution against the defenders of Syrian sovereignty and society. One of those defenders was and is Russia, which has a low tolerance over Imperial lies and deceptions. And they found out very soon from their reporters on the ground in Douma what happened, or rather what didn't happen.
This was revealed very simply by the Syria correspondent for Russia's NTV Segodnya (today) program, Alexei Ivliev, one of the few foreign reporters to visit the apartment blocks where the chlorine cylinders 'landed', before they were removed. (by whom is unknown, but likely by the same people who put them there, along with the macabre collection of bodies.) The video report shown below is itself titled "Falshivaya Attaka".
Lacking any sort of protective gear - gloves or a mask - the intrepid Ivliev climbed onto the roof to kneel beside one of the cylinders that didn't quite make it through the hole it allegedly made, and then went into the bedroom containing the famous yellow cylinder on a bed. It lay beneath a hole in the ceiling that it was alleged to have fallen through from a passing Syrian air force helicopter, while somehow not breaking some delicate glass lampshades or in fact the bed it was resting on. Ivliev was accompanied into this room by Sergei Kikot of the Army assistance for Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence. While the military man wears a helmet, he clearly considered there was no risk to the TV crew or himself from the old cylinders - which we may assume were already checked by Russian or Syrian engineers.
The Russian video and report effectively makes fun of Jaish al Islam's propaganda video, where a man in a gas mask stands beside the dangerous cylinder only the day before. My apologies for the poor framing and quality of the recording, and lack of subtitles - but the video is self-explanatory. Russian speakers will undoubtedly gain further insights from the dialogue:
Russian NTV report on Douma Chlorine attack April 8th or 9th 2018
This report may appear trivial, but is actually of crucial significance, particularly when combined with the - suppressed - observations of the OPCW inspector Ian Henderson. It reveals that Russia was immediately aware that this was a false flag attack, carried out by agents of the same UK government that was busy pushing another false chemical weapons claim against Russia at the Hague - the alleged Novichok poisoning in Salisbury a month earlier of a former Russian agent and his daughter. Both of these false claims are still being used to demonise and fight the Russian state.
DM Dec 13th 2024
(a sequel to this story follows three weeks later, after Al Jazeera's Turkish speaking journalist visited Douma to investigate the alleged chemical attack)