Welcome to Davos, and the Business of Killing.


If it were possible to die from cognitive disjunction, there would be few of us left to record the true course of recent events. And if the snapshot above doesn’t cause you some sort of paroxysm, welcome to your new world of invented reality! The extraordinary meeting between Britain’s notorious war criminal ‘Sir’ Tony Blair,… Continue reading Welcome to Davos, and the Business of Killing.

Shaking hands with the Devil

German FM meets White Helmets ouside Saydnaya pison

In what should be the defining image of the ‘jihadist coup’ in Damascus, Germany’s foreign Minister Annalina Baerbock shook hands with the White Helmets outside Saydnaya prison. While this handshake with a male member of the bogus ‘civil defence’ organisation was not actually shown in the DW news report below, it was clearly about to… Continue reading Shaking hands with the Devil

Syria’s Catastrophic Transition.

Only one thing would have been worse than the shocking news that Bashar al Assad had been driven to leave his home and country by a tide of barbarians – that he would suffer the terrible fate of Moammar Qadhafi, hunted down by French and British jets and finally butchered by a mob. It was… Continue reading Syria’s Catastrophic Transition.

Revisiting Douma, 80 months on.

Douma National Hospital, May 15th 2018

Following the frankly unbelievable events of last week, that somehow allowed the ‘peaceful’ removal of Syria’s democratically elected President to be replaced with an unelected and unchosen mob of Salafist terrorists, Western media reporters who never set foot in Damascus for ten years were ready to swarm over the corpse of secular and socialist Syria… Continue reading Revisiting Douma, 80 months on.

Hama – a brief history.

On a visit to Syria in May 2010, one of the things that made the greatest impression on me was the sound of Hama’s ancient waterwheels. That is saying a lot, given it was after a visit to Palmyra – but there lies a connection, as these enormous wheels are actually Roman water pumps, lifting… Continue reading Hama – a brief history.

Israel emulates ISIS; Palmyra

Palmyra at sunset 2010

Back in 2015, a convoy of ISIS vehicles headed south from their base in Raqqa towards the ancient Roman city of Palmyra and the small town of Tadmor that serves this World Heritage treasure. The town also housed a Syrian government prison and army garrison – which was the ostensible target of the takfiris, but… Continue reading Israel emulates ISIS; Palmyra

Time to Choose a Side


Never have the words of South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu been more appropriate: “To remain neutral in a situation of injustice is to choose the side of the oppressor”. Following the ICJ’s unanimous decision to accept South Africa’s case that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza, those who support international law and human rights… Continue reading Time to Choose a Side

A Tale of Two Sieges.

Maternity hospital Azov battalion base

Two cities, Mariupol and Gaza, have been under siege, but only one is liberated. The besiegers, Kiev and Tel Aviv found common cause, as the Western coalition gave them money and weapons to fight for this cause against any comer. Both are colonial enterprises, set up to further the interests of the Empire, and constructed… Continue reading A Tale of Two Sieges.

GCHQ and the UKraine.

General Command Head and Quarters

Not long after the truck-bomb attack on the Kerch Straits bridge, the head of GCHQ, Sir Jeremy Fleming, gave a “rare address” at RUSI, the Royal United Services Institute. The contents of his speech were detailed in multiple media two days earlier, as reported in this article from the Sydney Morning Herald. Had it not… Continue reading GCHQ and the UKraine.

Identifying the Victims, Revisiting Douma

It has become a critical element in the war of disinformation launched against Russia – that the identities of the victims of this war are rarely disclosed, nor even known. But when we seek to identify those responsible for their deaths where no other information is available, no progress can be made until the victims… Continue reading Identifying the Victims, Revisiting Douma