It has become a critical element in the war of disinformation launched against Russia – that the identities of the victims of this war are rarely disclosed, nor even known. But when we seek to identify those responsible for their deaths where no other information is available, no progress can be made until the victims… Continue reading Identifying the Victims, Revisiting Douma
Tag: War Crimes
Forging War, Burying Truth.
The continuing focus on the alleged Russian war crimes in Bucha makes it more vital than ever to expose the absence of any evidence linking Russia to these undoubted atrocities. This was highlighted by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ visit to Moscow and then to Kiev, where he appeared alongside ‘Elensky in matching green sweatshirt… Continue reading Forging War, Burying Truth.
The Bikeman of Bucha
Will we go to war on the basis of manipulated satellite images? The Bucha forgeries must be exposed.