Whose Missile?

Smoke rises behind towers on left, moments after missile strike.
View North from missile strike point to ARTEM plant (circled yellow)
  A wider view of Kiev shows the Okhmatdyt Children's hospital area and the ARTEM plant site highlighted, with the Dnieper river in the background, looking North:
Google Earth image, Kiev 2019

Looking from the North, with the Hospital and Artem sites highlighted, and approximate missile trajectory:

ZAVOD ARTEM site in foreground, looking SOUTH

The area of the Children’s Hospital site highlighted in red above, with approximate missile trajectory and point of impact annotated:

Missile strike point seen from the North
  Having established that the missile quite clearly hit its target from a Westerly direction, we can now consider evidence from the site that supports this conclusion, looking at the nature of the blast damage. 

 Images below also show that damage to the main hospital building was limited, with the demolition of part of the green-roofed stone building only. This apparently housed laboratory and diagnostic equipment, and few casualties resulted. 
Area of blast damage, missile strike point arrowed in red. View NNW
Targeted building, looking East, from BBC report the following morning
Day of the strike, looking North, NYT video report
Moment of missile impact, showing hospital facade blast damage
Main Hospital building after the blast
Composite from video looking Northwards
Six frames from video showing cruise missile retreating from viewer.
Four frames showing third missile in video, from Donbass Front Sit-rep Telegram channel
Synchronised Brick Passing, after the missile strike.
Frame from Radio Svoboda news video.

DM 12th July 2024