Above is a comparison between the video shot of the missile that hit part of the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev on Monday 8th July, with a view from Google Earth looking in the same direction - NORTH. This shows that the missile descended steeply towards its intended target following launch from somewhere WEST of Kiev. The missiles that hit the Artem plant about a kilometre north, and just out of the Google earth image, were fired from points between North East and South East - Crimea. If the missile appears similar to the Russian missiles this is a question only Kiev can answer, or whoever set up this strategically timed false flag. In the background of the picture, clouds can be seen rising from missile strikes and explosions at the ARTEM plant, over a kilometre to the North, as also shown in this frame from the video, taken several seconds after the strike in the foreground:

Five Russian K101 missiles came down on the ARTEM site and were shown in other videos taken just before the missile hit the building next to the Children's hospital, striking at the point marked 'X' in the Google Earth image below. It is vital to understand that the Russian missiles would have come from the South East, East or North East - to the right of this image. The evidence for that - if it were necessary - is seen in those videos, as well as clear differences in their appearance - something I'll examine later.

A wider view of Kiev shows the Okhmatdyt Children's hospital area and the ARTEM plant site highlighted, with the Dnieper river in the background, looking North:

Looking from the North, with the Hospital and Artem sites highlighted, and approximate missile trajectory:

The area of the Children’s Hospital site highlighted in red above, with approximate missile trajectory and point of impact annotated:

Having established that the missile quite clearly hit its target from a Westerly direction, we can now consider evidence from the site that supports this conclusion, looking at the nature of the blast damage. Images below also show that damage to the main hospital building was limited, with the demolition of part of the green-roofed stone building only. This apparently housed laboratory and diagnostic equipment, and few casualties resulted.

The New York Times compilation, including the scene after the missile strike and the video of which frames are shown above, is useful reference. The pattern of damage provides further evidence the missile hit the target from a Westerly direction, throwing the blast wave back against the main hospital building while leaving the Eastern part of the stone building standing. The damage to the facade of the main hospital, where flying glass caused some injuries to people inside, is clear in the photo below. While this is clearly serious, and cause to relocate some of the patients within the hospital, the contention by various Western leaders and shared in many media outlets that Russia had "destroyed Ukraine's largest children's hospital" is outrageous, and further evidence this was a staged attack. If they want to know what a destroyed hospital looks like there are a dozen of them in Gaza, courtesy of thousands of tonnes of US bombs and tanks shells. The immediate resolve at the NATO conference and from the UN that the hospital will be rebuilt is also quite obscene, when hospitals treating thousands of seriously injured people in Gaza are deprived of power and even anesthetics for operations.

While the collective West seems to have no problem in accusing Russia of committing a war crime by - allegedly - targeting a children's hospital, and not even allowing that it could have been hit accidentally or as a result of a misfired defensive missile, Russian authorities are taking a very dim view of this slanderous claim. That Russia has gone to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties for the whole course of their military operation is clear from the death and injury statistics, despite Ukrainian forces repeatedly embedding themselves in residential areas and using schools as bases near the front. Those making this claim have not only committed similar crimes themselves with little 'justification' by colluding with Israel in the obliteration of Gaza and its inhabitants, but have now apparently done far worse - targeted 'their own' most vulnerable people to frame Russia and provide a pretext for further hostile action, against all International laws and conventions. Such are 'false flag' attacks. Ukraine and its backers have a record for these, starting with the shooting down of MH17 - a crime that was also facilitated by disinformation from Bellingcat, who now make false claims about the missile in this attack. (but note the 'reader context' claiming they are a trustworthy source). A close examination of the video linked to above however shows that the KH101 missiles that hit the ARTEM plant were noticeably different in appearance from the one that hit the hospital. The video also illustrates how these Russian missiles flew up from a Southerly direction, flying over the North-facing viewer. I have put together frames from the video showing the path of two of the three cruise missiles caught by the videographer, as well as making a composite of the scene to indicate the sun's direction in the first picture below. Shadows on a roof in the foreground show the sun shining approximately 90 degrees to the right, which in mid-morning equates to a South-Easterly direction. Subsequent pictures demonstrate clearly the path of the missiles as from the South. The angle of descent can be gauged by the relative size of the missile in the composite frames. Also clearly visible are the two wings on the missile bodies, which are noticeably absent from the missile pictured hitting the Children's Hospital, shown in the inset blow-up.

A conclusion that the Ukrainian missile strike was a well-coordinated and timed event in advance of the crucial NATO meeting was not difficult to reach, even before discovering the evidence above for its origins in territory not controlled by Russia. It wasn't just the timing that was suspicious, but the way the story hit the West's media in unison and produced immediate condemnation without examining any evidence, leave alone listening to Russia's denials. These were comprehensive and detailed, indicating the extreme seriousness with which the Kremlin treats this anti-Russian campaign, and the apparent Western attempt to escalate it towards nuclear war. But there was something else that was apparent - at least to those used to seeing how people behave when their homes are destroyed by a natural disaster or bombed by an enemy, compared with when they are staged - as they have been so many times in Syria by the 'White Helmets'. The videos showed scores of people swarming all over the pile of rubble and then forming lines to pass bricks from one to the next, when machinery was available to do the job. In the photo below from the NYT video two such chains of people are visible across the base of the picture. Oddly they show little sense of urgency or fear.

Making this performance even more suspect were photographs of some people with ‘blood’ all over them, despite there being no evident source of injury. This video from Ukraine TV shows a ‘doctor’ with red paint on his coat, passing bricks in a line. A frame from the video is shown below.

All this suggests strongly advance planning for the missile strike, as these ‘volunteers’ show no sign of panic or urgency in the face of what was alleged to be a shocking and unexpected attack on a defenceless civilian target. It is indicative of just how much the dissemblers and manipulators of public opinion can get away with. All they need to do is put in a few triggers – ‘sick children’ – ‘brutal tyrant’ – ‘Russian aggression’ – ‘Putin’.
DM 12th July 2024