Breaking Fault-lines and Pipelines

Sonar image of Nordstream 1 blast site

A month has passed since I wrote this article, intended for publication in P&I. In the light of recent developments these initial observations are only made more relevant; not only has the NYT’s remark that the explosion was a “mystery” been shown to a deception, but the situation for people in Syria affected by the… Continue reading Breaking Fault-lines and Pipelines

An Act of War – NATO, Norway and the BBC.

The BBC in Bornholm

In late October, and just a month after the sudden explosion of gas in the Baltic near the Danish island of Bornholm, the BBC’s correspondent Katya Adler accompanied a Norwegian Navy vessel that sent a diving crew down to look at the damage to the Nordstream pipelines. Their cover story was that the danger of… Continue reading An Act of War – NATO, Norway and the BBC.

The Bullet that Broke the Nation.


After the protest rally in Washington two years ago, I spent a lot of time looking at video footage taken by a couple of the participants. Both were close to the doors to the senate chamber and filmed the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by a concealed security official. As the media reporting predictably focused on… Continue reading The Bullet that Broke the Nation.

The Death and Rebirth of Mariupol

Azovstal under siege 24th April

A few days before Christmas the ‘city of Mary’, Mariupol, was suddenly featured in Western news reports. The Mariupol Drama Theatre, notoriously blown up by the Azov battalion in early March in a false flag operation that coincided with Kiev’s demands for a No Fly Zone, was being demolished, it said. Russia was apparently doing… Continue reading The Death and Rebirth of Mariupol

Imperial Skullduggery

NATO Skullduggery in Kherson

Amongst the many false narratives circulating around the “liberation” of Kherson and its rather short-lived re-occupation by Kiev’s men, the extreme Nationalist allegiances of these men was carefully concealed. As the short clip below reveals however, this identity was quite proudly proclaimed after Mr Zelensky came to visit the city. This was not long ago,… Continue reading Imperial Skullduggery

Flooding the Battlefield


V. Zelensky’s warning was delivered with an unusual venom and urgency, for a man already inclined to such dramatics, and doubtless persuaded many of his star-struck followers that Russia really was cooking up such a terrible and desperate scheme. Without apparently stopping to consider why Russia would seek to flood and devastate part of the… Continue reading Flooding the Battlefield

GCHQ and the UKraine.

General Command Head and Quarters

Not long after the truck-bomb attack on the Kerch Straits bridge, the head of GCHQ, Sir Jeremy Fleming, gave a “rare address” at RUSI, the Royal United Services Institute. The contents of his speech were detailed in multiple media two days earlier, as reported in this article from the Sydney Morning Herald. Had it not… Continue reading GCHQ and the UKraine.

Russian Diplomacy vs the Empire of Lies.

Russian Ambassador to Australia, Dr Alexei Pavlovsky, September 2022 Canberra.

There was a time – we still remember – when all nations respected the need to maintain civil diplomatic relations with official enemies. This time has not passed for those states who share Vladimir Putin’s views of the new multi-polar world – expressed with such style and clarity in his recent speech at the Kremlin.… Continue reading Russian Diplomacy vs the Empire of Lies.