Since I wrote about the pall of disinformation hanging over Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert following her sudden release from Iran’s Evin prison in late November, she has made a number of significant and carefully orchestrated public appearances through selected Australian media. While alternative truths about her identity and offences have been mentioned – if only to… Continue reading Corralling the Media in Australia by the 5 eyes.
Author: Dimaq
1489 – 533 years later
But mousie thou art blessed compared wi me, The present barely toucheth thee; But och! I backward cast my e’e, On prospects drear. An forward though I canna see, I guess and fear.
The Witches’ Brew
The best laid schemes O’ mice and men gang aft agley – and lea’ us nowt but grief and pain for promised joy. An forward though we canna see, we guess and fear.
We guess and fear..
Wee sleekit cowrin’ timorous beastie, Oh what a panic’s in thy breastie, Thy needna start awa’ sae hastie, wi bick’rin brattle! I wad be laith to rin an chase thee, wi murdrin pattle! I’m truly sorry man’s dominion Has broken nature’s social union, And justifies that ill opinion, which maks thee startle At me,… Continue reading We guess and fear..
After the Bouleversement
We didn’t ask for this, but must learn to live with it, or die fighting. So starts the Era of Resistance, where science and sense must prevail over fear and pretence.
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